What IS this thing they call, CBD Oil ?
Why are there so many different kinds? What do they all mean and how am I suppose to know which CBD Oil to Choose that is BEST for my Needs? Once you’ve decided to delve into Natures Miracles and all it has to offer, CBD Oil might need to be high on your list! Especially if you have a situation that traditional medicine doesn’t help. Perhaps, you’re looking for an alternative, a more effective way and you don’t want to use pharmaceuticals with all their nasty side affects as well as their addictive properties. So, Let’s give you some information and knowledge you need to make a educated decision! I am going to share some of the questions that many have posed to me about this Amazing Oil !
There are 3 types of CBD oils on the market today:
*Full Spectrum
*Broad Spectrum
In the market place or on the internet, you may also come across CBD Oils labeled as, Whole Plant or Pure CBD, we’ll also touch on those as well!
- Full Spectrum CBD Oil:
This type refers to CBD Oil that Not only contain CBD, but it also contains some terpenes and other cannabinoids, such as, CBN, CBG and THC (THC is the property within cannabis that’s responsible for “getting high”). These extra Terpenes are in ratios that naturally occur and are extracted from a specific Cannabis/Hemp Plant. Those terpenes, are then, added back into the CBD as an isolated form or filler, so it’s then called, “Full Spectrum” CBD Oil. The thought in regards to adding back those extra terpenes, is to raise the potency of the product. Understand, for those who get drug Tested, if using a Full Spectrum CBD Oil product, because they all contain THC and even though the THC levels are minimal at (0.3%), it’s Not enough to make you feel High, but it IS enough to trigger a POSITIVE drug test! With the Full Spectrum CBD Oil, because of whats called the “Entourage Effect”, where all the cannabinoids and terpenes are working together in synergy, some believe it works for a more positive effect. But also be aware that not all Cannabis Plants are grown Organically! So, if the grower is using herbicides, pesticides and chemical fertilizers, you will also be a receiver of those nasty terpenes as well! Also, You want to check your Home State! Full Spectrum CBD Oil, is NOT legal in all States! It’s Not legal in the State of Indiana. So, BUYER BEWARE!
- Broad Spectrum CBD Oil:
This refers to CBD Oil products that typically contain an array of cannabinoids and terpenes but ZERO THC. This is based ONLY if the manufacturer of the CBD Oil, make the, Reputable, independent, third party, lab testing results available to the public. A reputable Lab can tell you which cannabinoids and terpenes are in the product and at what levels. These products have often gone through additional processing to try to isolate and remove as much THC as possible while keeping the other cannabinoids and terpenes. Again, BUYER BEWARE! Some companies use Nasty Chemicals for the extraction method to remove the THC from the terpenes. So, while you believe you are turning to a better, healthier alternative to taking care of your medical needs, in reality, you may not be! What you don’t know or understand, can Harm you! Understand as well, even though they have attempted to extract all the THC out of their CBD, You May Still Test POSITIVE on a Drug Test. AGAIN, BUYER BEWARE!!
- CBD Isolate:
This, is typically the CBD Oil product of choice for those who get drug tested or are sensitive to other cannabinoids such as THC. These products are usually labeled as being 99+% pure CBD. These products usually have no other terpenes of the cannabinoids in them because the CBD has literally been isolated from everything else. When looking at an Isolate, the Purity of it is Important!
While the Isolates in the 99.9% range, have NO amounts of THC in them, there are others, lower in purity, such as 99.5% a or lower, that still have trace amounts that show up on lab drug tests. This is Something to be aware of when searching for the highest form of Purity in a CBD Isolate Oil as well as the method in which a company has extracted the CBD properties out of the plant. Some use Chemical Extraction methods, or are called, “Pharmaceuticle Grade” Understand this, Nasty Chemicals are used in both of those Extraction methods! The other Extraction Method some companies use is The natural, C02 Extraction method, which is the organic choice! No Nasty Chemicals used in this extraction method!! Whatever CBD Product you purchase, be sure to Ask to see their third party Lab Results! You can then check for the purity for yourself! Because CBD Products are not Under any “rules” there are many “snake oil” companies out there, scamming people with their low or no quality or actual CBD in their product at all! So Please, Do Your research and buy from a company you trust with a good reputation and Do Your Homework! This is Your Health!! Take Good Care of it! Thank You, for taking time to read this information and educate yourself even further ! As Always, if you still have additional questions, feel free to; Call, email, text message or Visit us on Facebook in our Group at : https://www.facebook.com/groups/.NaturesOrganicPotions/. We will be more than happy to help you! So! There you have it! Your first lesson on CBD Oil and Which is Which!
Marykaye RN, Herbalist, CEO
Natures Organic Potions®, LLC
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